ކަނޑު ފުރޭތަ (2)
heyy guyyxxx….. m rlly rllyyyy sryy…. dhimaavi massala egge sababun mi stry tmrw ah las vejje…. i knw i said tht i willl upld it tday…. bt i couldnt cx i ddnt gt enought tym… n m rlly rlly rlly sryy fr tht….. 🙁 🙁 n i wnt to say tht i will upld it as soon as psble… may b tmrww… innaanee e stry ge thnkolheh liyefa n i ddnt gt enough tym… tmrw ah e prt nin maaleveyne hn immy ah heevanee…. plxx plxx dnt be mad at me fr tht…. im tryin my bxt to upld it ….. once gain m vry vry sry…. 🙁 🙁 :(???
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???? , sooo sryy….. i knw mny rdrs were waitin fr this stry n i couldnt upld it…m vryy vryyy sryyy….. fr makin this prt lte m goin to write n upld the 3rd prt alsoo on mon…
sooo scnd prt on sun n thrd prt on mon….. hws tht?????? ???
Ohh… its k dear… .. dnt b sad.. No hard fylings… I’ll wait 4 tmrw.:):)…
thnxx alt shine… u olwayxx mak my dayy a whle lt better… ???
It’s ok aharemen inthizaarukuraanan.:-)
thnxx zaa??
Mi abadhuvx immy ge vhka ah ihnthixaaru kuraanan…..;-) v kiyaa hihvey …….
thnxx alt nihaa…. vrhh ufaa vejje ???
Its ok dear..ehenvex vaane alhaa nulaa…….im witing for ur stry….keep it up…
thnxx niz…. yahh dear…. thnxx again niz….????
Its OK.. I’ll wait 4 2morrow
thnxx misty….. okk…. kyp waitin… ill upld my stry tmrww…. hehe??
u just nyds everyones attentions.. omg.. wat a freak!!
hama rangalha thibuni.. dhen kon kame meehunge attetion hoadhan nooni.. liyevunu dhuvahakun upload kurima veenu.. iru iru kolhaa msg liye upload nukuriyas..
j v dhww…..??
Athoo and biaatch j vanyyy. Omg this varah j nuvias rangalhu vane. Athoo ah abadhu ingeyny writers ah hithuga hurihaa nubai echeh kiyan. I neva saw u like any stry!I love u immy!! Am ur biggest fann???????! Vv reethi immy ge hurihaa story eh vex! Will wait patiently
yahh dhww anonymous….? axluvxx…. rllyyyy?????????????
omggg!!! this must b the happiest day of my lyf…. 😉 😉
u r my biggest fan??????? unblvble….. hehe…. thnxx alt n alt anonymous….???????? thnxx again n luv u too….. ?
its ok
thnxx lovelyy….
U r right Anonymous… Aslu maa bodah j vany… nd by the way, lahun up kuryma bunaane haadha lahunney.. Bt, kurin baiga evaahaka bunyas noavey salaamatheh.. Up kureveyny lahunney bunyyas eiy mahsalaeh nd reason nubune lahun up kuriyas mahsalaeh… This is tooooo much dhww…. J viyas bodu varu……
Nd Immy,, Anonymous buni gothah I’m also a biggggggg fan of yours.:):):)……. jst move on, dnt go back…, k dear… miss yah:):););)….
u r rightt shine…. axluvxx…. lahun up kuryma bunaane buni dhuvahah vure lahunneyy up kuree…. ehn vedhaanethee immy sat ga up nu kureveyne vaahaka bunee…. bunyma adhi ekn vx v gos…. pis pis…. ??
anywayxx thnxx alt n alt n alt n alt shine…?? ur my fan toooooo???? ?????
ill olwayxx tke ur advicee….. ill nver go back!!! ill olawyxx move on!!!???
miss u too shinee…..
ok… thnxx ifaa…
Aslu immy noony vv madhun meehun msg liyaany egothah.I mean inform kohdheyny. U Neva let us down . that’s y I am ur biggest fan?
ohh thnxx anonymous…
J v hey..lol . haadha roodey immy reply kuraa goi. Thihen readers ge comment ah reply kuranyaa readers varah foohivaane. Immy heevanee vara boda anhene hen.
immy kurn vxx mhn bunefa onnaanee…. rdrs immmy dheke kithanme foohi vias rude cmnts ah dheveyee rude replies eyy…. so immy ah ehchehi nukiyaa…. immy buneln othee why would u write the rude cmnt in the frst place…. dhn bunaane immy rude eyy….
hey Immy.. i was really waiting for this story! 😀 but no hard feelings ok? 😉 its okay dear. i understand you 🙂 cant wait to read 😀
heyy faxoo dearrr….. rlly??? ok… thts soo swyt of u…. yahh mireyy up kollaann nxt prt…. byee…???
haadha heevey immy amihla ah comment kuraahen…. lol! mee dhevana lilly dho? thima ah thima fenifa 😉 adhi nahula men binmaa men fenvarah story liyevey nama immy hoadhaa nufennaane 😉 dhen bunaany maves j vy ey kanneyge… disgsting huh
thimaa ah heevaa ehchehi cmnts gaa nuuliye yageen vaa ehchehi liyeba… lol!! ?
immy amilla ah nuliyn evvx cmnt eh… immy amilla ah liyanee reply k…. gabool nukurias ok….
dhn bunaane immy haadha rude eyyy….. rude cmnts ah dheveynee rude replies….?? yaahhh rangalhah thibunee stranger… stranger thiulhenee j vgn…. any wayxx i dnt tlk to stranger tht muchh sooo byee….
Its ok we will wait .
Y u have write in english. some pepole will dnt know how if u write in english. so correct that.