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މަންމާއޭ ރޮއެފާ ބުނާަމެވެ. ތި ލޮބުވެތި އަތުން އަދިި އެއްފަހަރު ފިރުމާލަދީ އަދި މާފް ކުރޭ….
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Comments are closed.
Woow…. mom aharemennahtakai ufuli bura aharemennh agu vazan vx nukervey……alhuge veri raskalaako…..hurihaa mom heyo rahmai lavvaashi… Aameen..
Thank you happy….
Vrh vrh rythi❤❤❤..ishaa ge kibaiga vhk liyumuge hunaru eba huri???????..u can do this???me first dhw
Hehhe..mifaharu vx second…ehemme minute eh lasvy??
Kyhkuraany dhw.. Try ur best next time
Aameen… Ishu darling Mi Story ge feshun Hadha reehchey… Masha Allah…. When next part dear luv….. ?????❤️❤️❤️
Thank u my loving sis
V.salhi… ☺☺?
Thank you ????
Ishu i had like to point out some parts of the story.. Like.. Mamma ufuli bura.. Nuva mas vandhen bandugai ehaa veynaa eku alhugandu beyhvumev..adhi alhugandu mihaa varu vandhen ethah bura eh ufulaa alhugandu balaa bodu kurumeve… Mihen liyununama ethan kolhu furihama vees… Anehen vvvvv reethi mi vaahaka… Varah inspiring.. If there’s any other part i will be waiting for it.. Luv yuh
Thank u my loving sis
Heart touching…????
Hey dhw
Welcome Ishaa
wow kokki nice goood keep it up may Allah bless u love you soooo much ?
Thank you…..
Hii ishu…v v v nice and v heart touching…????v loabi…keep going girl…????
Thank you for being a supporter of my lil sis…. Someone dear….
Thanks a lot zaayaa
Hey.. How did u know her name..?? Only me, scarlet, cute lips and ishaaa knows that name.. ???
Is someone dear real name is zaayaa
Yes i know she is aishath zaayaa
You said ishaaa i read her story and i read comments too
V nice cover pic eh.
Ishaa haadha molheyy dhw… Ma Sha Allah… Mihaaru mi ulhey kudhin kiyan rangalhu vaane.. E kudhin mamma men nah hadhaalanee hithu huri gotheh. Visnaalun muhimmu dho… ???
Yea right dhw rifu
Your right rifu….
No dear niha.. Its not. We call her that
Ooh… It’s okay…
U can also call her zaa.. Right zaa darla
Thank you Kitty n luv u….. ????
Welcome n luv u more ❤️❤️
Yes u can call me zaa..and i will tell my real name whn we meet..
Ishaa kon school ehggatha kiyavany….?
Rashu school in…..
H.A atoll ga ehmme bodu aabaadhy ohnna school gai you can guesss what school
Ishu aky h.dh atoll kuhjeh… olhigrn dhw eydhi ehen jehifa
Ishu aky h.dh atoll kuhjeh… olhigrn dhw eydhi ehen jehifak
Ishu darling how are you…….???
Ishu ge habareh nuvey dhw miadhu
Nooney mihuree
Asluves nuvey… Ehenve haalu Mi ahaalyves… N you Kitty how are you???
Nuney hama fine fine
Niha thikolhu kihinehtha?
Ihavandhoooor dhidhooooo
Ehn tha.. Hiyeh nuvey??
I am free now….
Miadhu geythereyge work ai ulhuny
Asluves…. Hadha muraaiyy Yey dhwww… Good girl.. ???????
Ehn dhw.. Ur so active. Masha allah… But kitty miulheny beyrah goslan… Will miss u girls..
Alhamdhulillah.. Niha im going well
Miss you too Kitty ???
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ for each of u
N im like lazy… ??… Not really.. But active ey bunaa varakah active eh noon.. Btw.. Niha hws u???
Kitty beyrah dhiya as comment kurevey
You can see from me in instagram and you will now my island name
Ehaa lazy eh nuvaane…. Geythereyga ulhey vaguthu thakuga dhonthi ah eheetheri vedhem…
Ehen dhw maves ehaa muraayyeh nuvaane ekam imihaaru dhen jeheyne dhw ulhen
Aan dhw… Ekam Alhu Varah meehunnah ehytheri vaa hiyy vey….
Kaary ga mom nuhunnaa thyve varah dheravey….
So sad dhw what is actual island name
Kobaa kitty
Sorry ishu I can’t.. Tab geyga baahvaafa dhany.. And nihaa??? gud job
Ehentha kon iraku
Aan dhw… Ekam Alhu Varah meehunnah ehytheri vaa hiyy vey….
Niher what is your actual island name
Miulheny.. Kudakoh busy.. Bye. Luv u girls
Alif Atoll bodufolhudhoo…. So far to you guys…
Dhw i am H.A atoll
Kitty number eh nugengulhentha
Yes nugengulhen.. Adi school ves nunimey 18 ves nuvey.. So i dont think that adhi ekahala ehves ehcheh gengulhumaky good idea eh hen
That is good nihaa..and niha i forgot to ask u..how old r u???zaa ah ishu and T yrs ingey…so ahaalay…zaa miadhu beyrah nudhaan kamah mihunnany…
That is good nihaa..and niha i forgot to ask u..how old r u???zaa ah ishu and T yrs ingey…so ahaalay…zaa miadhu beyrah nudhaan kamah mihunnany…
It’s OK…. I am 15 years old…
What is you all birth day
I am thirteen september
Am may 21
N how old are you???
Am i6
Sorry 16.
I am 8th January….
Sorry i forget to wish you
It’s okay… Ehen noonas ishu akah nengeyne ehnu kuriakunneh…
Niha what is your full name iam aminath ishaa
I have a lil sister called Ishaa… Ehen ve Alhu dhekeny thi Ishaa aky Alhu ge Aslu kokko kamah…. Luv U
Aishath Niha Ahmed….
Not being rude ingey. Ekam comment section akee meehun chat kuran onna thaneh nuun kanneyge dhw..you should not share your personal information here. It’s for the best of you guys mihen bunanee mi
Alhugandu huhdha dheefa dhen neyge
Thank u dear.. We can understand
Huhdha dheefa viyas Public thaneh kan inge ehnu mee. Ehnveema personal information share kohgen thi kudhinna libey gellun bodu vaane. There are a lot of stalkers and bad people. Be careful. So I don’t think it is a good idea mithaa chat kuran
There is a my cousin called thaath
Kitty ge Aslu namaky thaath dhw…
Addu city is a cool place tha kitty
Yes.. Kind of.. For some people not for me.. ??
Bye guys… Niha midhanee namaadu kohlan… See you all later….
Ok mirey dhen dhw i am also going to pray
8:00 ga we can meet
Or 4ga
My birthday is 8 th july..
Thank you
Kitty i want to go addu..and bye midhany namaadhah..
Dhw 4:30 i will be hre cix write story
Come on… Get on aboard.. ?️?️??✈️✈️??
……Ehentha i will also enjoy…..
….????????????Thanks for join us
………….me tooo
Hi south Korea.. Hws u
❤❤??❤❤❤Kobaa kuhjjeh online ga eba
??❤????❤????????????? ………intha
Ekaku baa anekka hurihaa comment eh mikurany? ?
Hahaha.. Lol.. What made u think like that darla
Maasha allah v rythi … ????
Salaam koba niha and kitty
Cox we said to meet on this time
So sleepy i am going to sleep now ekam nidhan ohtham
heyy guys
Ehentha zaa
ishu i am here….
Aslu v gothaky i that i went to eat…. dinner
ooh ehn tha…kobaa tha mihaaru kitty men???
Miulheny.. Hws u zaar??
Ooh enme lahun habaru mi vevuny Niha ah dhw… So so sorry
Yes.. ? but thats okay
Aslu V gothaky Niha dhonthi aa eku thihthi men geah dhiyaee…
Nd i went to football dhadah… And gossa ais hurihaa emmen ge uniforms thah isthiri kury.. So apparently thts y i was late.. Sorry girls
It’s okay… Ekeeh kuran football dhadah….
Edhen… Sports festival balaalan dhiya kokkomenge kulhun ??
Ishaa thi moorithige kujjeh tha and ihavandhoo dhw
Nooney….. my house name is secret
maasha allah nice keep it up ☺?
Guys! i think you should talk private koh. It will be safe. comment baiga chat nukoh ?
Yea right.. I was also. Thinking about it.. But we cant so no chance.. Btw varah bodah thanks at least thihen bunythyve
Sorry aslu mom rulhi aiy nidhan ovegen ehenve…..
I am raely sorry abot this…..
Dhen me last story…..
Ok ehnun dhen kiyevumuge kanthakaagen kuriah dhaany……
Ok. Bye.. Guess this is the last conversation we wil be having.. So gud luck in ur exams “niha, zaa, nattu, scarlet and ishu”.. Will miss u girls.. Luv u❤️❤️❤️❤️
?Mihaaru thidhany
I luv all of you too…. Hurihaa Kudhin mathin ves varah Miss vaane…. Hurihaa Kudhin Rangalhah kiyavaathi… Good luck… ??❤️❤️❤️???????
Now I am going to school… Bye bye… Varah dhera vey vakivaan jehey Thy…. Dhen thi kahala rangalhu hiyy heyo friends kolheh ves nulibeyne…. ??????????❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Shaya aky Niha ge besty….
Alheyy noo..but I’ll miss u girls…
I’ll miss you girls too…
Hurihaa Kudhin Shaya aa friend vebaa……
I know u saujathu ah salaam bunaathi
Nooooin i am nt from ihavandhooo i am from any island……
I am from any otter island sorry to say that my mom is not …….
………….. sorry to say this……..
Hehe h.a ga aabaadhee bodu vaany ihavandhoo ga so wat
Sorry olhigen eydhi jehifa….. i am from H.dH ATOLL BUT ISLAND NAME IS SECREAT…..
aan ekey.. 156 comments hutta fenigen mi hulhuvaaly.. public than thaa personal info dhee nahadhachchey.. and dont talk to strangers like they are your best friends… boy eh ves hama ulhefaane ehnu girl aka vegen !!! online koh kihine ingenee dhoww… be careful while using internet.