its nt me .. whoever it is pls stp using my name i request u .. ok ok ok heyo lai ge name use kuriyas .. idc .. bt pls dont talk so rudely.. n guys its nt me ingey .. bye
Beynun 😀 but u are so slow 😛 and I have a question
Did u comment on ryn name on fantasy ge story ????? And by being a writer u should be able or u have to have the will to accept negative comment and take it positively 🙂 and ekankan rather than thinking as faadhu kiyun for u u should take it as a way to improve ur writing more
Beynun dont stop EKAM maa ‘l’ in feshey names ginaee, vaanuvaa eh neygey, vaahaka para thakah bahaafa confuse nuvaane nanthakeh laafa vaahakaige haadisaa tha dhigukohlaa. and part 2 nimunuiru vikamehge vaahakeh part 3 feshunuiru neh mibuny part 2 aa ehves gulhumeh nethey.
How can laaraa be livaan’s gf in part 3 if livaan and laara havent met and talked in part 1 or 2? mi kantha rangalhu kohlaa. Nyc story eh hen heevey ekam vaanuvaa neygi, twist eh nethi, bolaundhagoovaa nantha hurefa, vaahakaige eh haadisaa aneh haasisaa aa nugulheykamah vaanama kiyuntherin foohivedhaane
anyway best wishes n good luck for ur edexcels 🙂
Dont stop… go on… those who like will read… n those who dont like can stop… but u continue lilly… comments annaane abadhuves + or –
Thats no problem.. we do what we like to do, that is writing… writers ahves problems kurimathivaane… liyun medhukandaalan jehey fadha kameh medhuveri vedhaane.. we r humans after all… so we request readers to understand it.. plz dont stop lilly.. good luck.
Will you be quite just don’t read if you don’t want to and don’t talk rudely to Lilly she is also a human like us and she also have a heart she will also be sad if you talk rudely to her so just don’t write negative comments ok
I strongly feel that you should not have asked readers to make a decision only you can or should take. You yourself must decide, and no one else, whether or not to continue writing stories. If you believe in your heart of hearts that you have an experience to share, an inner itch needing expression, then please go ahead and write. However, avoid publishing trailers or summaries of stories. It is a no-brainer. No professional writer I know of does that. I do hope that you take my advice for what it is– only a gesture of good will. I did n’t want to crticise, only help you in what little way I can, being a writer myself. I wish you success in your creative work if you want to conitnue…
Its obvio that you cant write a story.
Even a 10 year old can write a story like that. So better get your butt out of here. You are like a pain in butt both in esfiya site and chat.
Lily girl rply nukuraanan tha?ma vex beynun suvaaleh ge javaabu…bt haahsa ehgumeh jahaafa naahan vegen hahthahaa ves.So my question is lilly ryn ge name ga comment kurin tha?jst tell the truth lilly…hehehe btw lilly ge stry eh ma nuvex kuyan…huhtaalumaa nulumaa e e lily ge ai mathy oi kameh…ehbai kudhin beynun vey huhtaanulan…so rangalhu vaany huhtaa nulihyaa eyrun kiyan beynun myhun kiyaafa kiyan beynun nuvaa myhun nukiya faaaan..
Wat r all these….she just asked u guys to answer her qstn…thihaa rude vaakah nuvaane…she is also a human like u all…thithanuga adhi vx vaahaka liyann neygey kithah myhunm thibeyne…ekann eh vx myhakah igey tha…A level kiyavaafa huri myhakah stry liyann neyguny ma eh nooneh mahsala aky…mahsala aky thimaa ge amihla fennvaru neygi hure ehnn myhunn ge aibu dhahkann ulhunn…NO ONE IS PERFECT…ekann change eh nukureveyne world up side down ah jehiyas…so shut ur mouths…lily ge vaahaka thah kiyann kamu nudhanyaa nukyma v nu…y butt on others business wen u dont even have the right to…amihla ah visnaalabaa thigothah negtv comment kuraairu lily ge magaam ga thimaa huri nama vaane dhera…she also has a heart…ekann ihsaas kurevey myhaku thihaa rude eh nuvaane…n lily kairy ryn ge name heynunn kohgenn conment kurinn hey ehumu ge beynumaky kobaa…kiyunn therinn ge hithuva lily ge stries ah oii magaam fadu kohlunn tha..wat do u get from doing that…savaab libeny tha…enmenn kairy ahann v nu ryn ge name use kurinn hey…aanmu koh ehnn myhunnah vagah govaany aslu vahkann kuri myhaa…n u lily…just dont be sad abt those fake comments…they just jealous.., ,,
U guys donno wat she is. She used to come to chatroom amd everyone in thwre knws her truth. And tnay truth is real dirty. She dosnt even deserve to be lqbeled as a writer. I still remembr ur cmnts. for every commentr there is an adress or some ckde by that we can knw who it is
Do not talk rudely to Lilly she is not rude she is so kind Lilly don’t stop writing I love your stories the one who doesn’t like your stories are just so rude Pls don’t stop writing Lilly
Beynumey noon .. avahah huhtalaa plxx.
Nuun…maa las kamun…..ekm vc beynun….
Beynumee kuriyah gendhan…
Beynun lahee vaahaka up kuraaleh
Huhtaala vaahaka liun plc
Beynumeh noon. Trailer ves ehves reehcheh noon.Thee varah selfish writer eh hen heevany. Haassa engumo..
ehgothakah vs beynumeh noon
Plx avahah huhtalafa geyga hurey
Beynumey noon .. avahah huhtalaa .mi lilly adhi miulheny kiyun therin aadeys kurey thw kanneyge .. huh v foohivey
Beynun hutanulathi
Beynun.. i like u r stories.. 🙂
Lilly ah dhera akah nun mi bunany..
Bt i think u shud stop it!!
Better luck nxt tym ??
Hama miharun miharah vahaka liyun huhtalan feney …
Huttaa nulaathi .beynun lilly ge vaahaka kiyan.i love ur story.
Huhtalan hama beynumy .. thy vaahaka liyamyhun ulhey gotheh nooney .. liyan neygenyaa huhtalyma emme ragalhuvany .. kuran egey kamey kuran deyba
So harsh
its nt me .. whoever it is pls stp using my name i request u .. ok ok ok heyo lai ge name use kuriyas .. idc .. bt pls dont talk so rudely.. n guys its nt me ingey .. bye
Haassa engumey otheema hama heveni. Beynumey nooneee beynumeh nooney bunan jehunyma kamak nudhey aslu. Hama lilly ah fenna gotheh hadhan v. Kiyan beynun kudhin kiyaane beynun noon kudhi nukiyaane. Kiyaafa kuh faahaga kuraa kudhin kuraane. Ekam liyanyaa lilly accept kuran jeheyne negetive comments vs.
pllxx udate it soon
Me ah ok komme kahala vaahaka akahviyas vaahaka eh viyyaa…komme gothehviyas thikohdhevenee ijuthimaaee varah bodu masahkatheh…me varah respect kuraa baeh liyuntherinnakee..mie mihaathanah me kuri hama ekani comment..hama lilly ahtakaa mi comment mikuree…
Beynun 😀 but u are so slow 😛 and I have a question
Did u comment on ryn name on fantasy ge story ????? And by being a writer u should be able or u have to have the will to accept negative comment and take it positively 🙂 and ekankan rather than thinking as faadhu kiyun for u u should take it as a way to improve ur writing more
Heheh yur ryt. Lilliii i think u shld be the one who decides. Vaahaka liyunyma rangalhuvaanii. Mistakes thah vx ingeynii. Gudluk girl. ??
It’s up to you
No… dont stop. Kuriyah dhey.. kuri erun libeynee faadu kiyun thaka eku.. kaamiyaab libeynee hiynmathaa eku masaiykaiy kuraa meehakah…
Beynumeh nun. Thts itt!!
Pls stop. Beynumeh noon
E dhogu lilly huttaa nulaathi.. v rythi hama lilly ge vaahaka.. hiyvaraaekhyga kuriah dhey.. naax beynun lillyge vaahakathah.. avahah up kuranvaane ingae ekm.. gud luck..
konvaahakaehtha thikiyany….
varah rude vatharujahaa writer eh. ehaa lahun up kuranyaa nuliyey. n konmes kuraahiyyvaakahala kamrh fashaa. nuliyeveyiru kuran ulhegen rangalhakah nuvx vaane…
Beynun dont stop EKAM maa ‘l’ in feshey names ginaee, vaanuvaa eh neygey, vaahaka para thakah bahaafa confuse nuvaane nanthakeh laafa vaahakaige haadisaa tha dhigukohlaa. and part 2 nimunuiru vikamehge vaahakeh part 3 feshunuiru neh mibuny part 2 aa ehves gulhumeh nethey.
How can laaraa be livaan’s gf in part 3 if livaan and laara havent met and talked in part 1 or 2? mi kantha rangalhu kohlaa. Nyc story eh hen heevey ekam vaanuvaa neygi, twist eh nethi, bolaundhagoovaa nantha hurefa, vaahakaige eh haadisaa aneh haasisaa aa nugulheykamah vaanama kiyuntherin foohivedhaane
anyway best wishes n good luck for ur edexcels 🙂
Omg plx plx plx plx kiyuntherin rulhinaaruvaa mivaahaka hama vaguthun vagutha huhttaalaa. mi hen vaahaka liyumun ehen liyuntherinna ves huthurennu. Heynuvaane vaahaka liyan neygenyaa nuliey mi kocheh?????
Haftha aku ehfaharu mahaku ehfaharu up kurangna huttaalun fennany.. ekam writer ah engeyny huttalan veema vx liyan veemavx.. theekee aharun bunegen aharunnah kohdhey kamehge gothuga kommehen kurane kameh neh.. komme kameh kuriyas rangalhah kureveyny ekamaky amilla hiyhama jehumah kuraa kamehge gothuga kuryma.. huh
Its up to u babz??
dnt be rude
Iai kiyaaa baivaru meehun lai ge namuga comment kutiyas aee massala eh nun. Adhi emeeehaku beynun gothakaj vaahaka dhehkidhaanehen hyvani.IAI
Meehun kiyaa ehchihsah alhaanulaa…….maa lahun up kuraathy hurihaa vx mahsala aky ..n mistakes vx huhnaathy…but ginaihn vahka liyunyma rangalhuvaany…..gud luck lilly…..avahah up kurahchey…,:-);-);-*
Ekamu rangalhy dhnvx thigothah meehun kairy neyhy yaa…ehyma kihaa dhera dho…lilly thikan kuriah gendhey….lilly liyaa vahka kiyan beynun nuvaa meehun nukiya huredhaanehnu dho……..
Vaahaka kiyaafa faadu kiyaairu ufehdhuntheri faadukiyun eyee emme rangalhu goeh..hurihaa liyuntherinnaky emme molhah liyeveyne baeh noon..liyamun liyamun gos kuri erun libeynyves..ehenveema ehaa rude koh comment kurumuge kurin visnaalan vaane dhw e liyuntheriya ves eynaage agu huri vaguthu beynun kohgenkan vaahaka liye up kuraany…hama ehenme komme liyuntheriakee hama ekani ekamah vaguthu huskohgen thibey baeh noonkanves kiyuntherin dhannanvaane…
lily beynun gltheh lily hadhaanee…. mee lily kuraa hiyy vaa kmakah vanyaa hama mikn kuriah gendhaashey buneveynee…. negative cmnts vx annaane… pstve cmnts vxx annaane….. hurihaa vahtharegge cmnts vxx balaagannn dhaskurn vaane…. haassa dhannavaalumey kiyaafaa mi gothah beynun thw nubeynunthw eheema dhnn vrhh odd….
n shuhu e buni vaahaka akee vxx rangalhu vaahaka eh…. hurihaa liyuntherinnakee emme molhah liyeveyne baeh noon… liyamun liyamun gos kuri erun libeynee….
i hpe u wnt stp wrtin stries…. 😉 😉 😉
gud lukk…. 😀 😀
Dont stop… go on… those who like will read… n those who dont like can stop… but u continue lilly… comments annaane abadhuves + or –
Thats no problem.. we do what we like to do, that is writing… writers ahves problems kurimathivaane… liyun medhukandaalan jehey fadha kameh medhuveri vedhaane.. we r humans after all… so we request readers to understand it.. plz dont stop lilly.. good luck.
plx don’nt stop. i want read this story..
Konme kameh kuriyas faadu kiyaane meehun thibeyne adhi enmen ruhey gothakahves vaahaka eh nuliyeveyne, hih hama nujehey meehun thibeyne adhi ufalaa eku vaahaka balaa ganna meehunves thibeyne. Lillygirl ah bunelan othee liyan fashaafa huri vaahaka eh vihyaa ninmaafa, huhtaalan fenunas huhtaalun ragalhu vaani, e ee vaahaka kiyaa hithun thibey meehunves thibeyne, vaahaka medhutherein ninmaaleema foohivaane, konme writer eh viyas aharen bunelan othee mihen. feshi vaahaka eh ninmaafa vaahaka liyun huhtaalanyaa huhtaashey, kiyuntherin e vaahaka akah inthixaaru kuraane. Aharen mee kurin comment kuraa meehun noon ekamaku miadhu hama mihen bunelan mi comment kuree.. konme writer akah viyas vaahaka ninmaa nulaa huhtaaleemaa vrh dheravey e ee kiyaa hithun huhtaa vaahaka nugenes dheythee.. Ehen v ma Lillygirl ves vaahaka liyun huhtaalan beynun kamah vaanama vaahaka ninmaalumahfahu huhtaalun edhen.. me akee Esfiya ge vaahaka kiyaa kiyuntheri eh adhi vaahakathahves reethi, mistake ves huredhaane ekm mistakes hedheyneeves hama insaanunnah but mistake thah ragalhu kuran masahkah kuranvaani.. Best of luck all writers
Please dont stop…
Lilli vaahaka liyun continue kohba
Shut up lilly. Haadha rude ey dhoa .. adhi bunefi ennu comment ga beynumey noonee beynhmeh nooney jahan jeheyne ey.. oh please talk to my hand !!!!! Lilly haa rude writer eh noolhey mi site ga. Comment thah kiyaaleema ves egijje lilly ah evves thaaeedheh nehkan. Negative comments ginaeee. Lilly beynumiyyaa liyey. Maves thi vaahaka Kiyaafa heynves ok dhoa. Hahaha
Will you be quite just don’t read if you don’t want to and don’t talk rudely to Lilly she is also a human like us and she also have a heart she will also be sad if you talk rudely to her so just don’t write negative comments ok
I strongly feel that you should not have asked readers to make a decision only you can or should take. You yourself must decide, and no one else, whether or not to continue writing stories. If you believe in your heart of hearts that you have an experience to share, an inner itch needing expression, then please go ahead and write. However, avoid publishing trailers or summaries of stories. It is a no-brainer. No professional writer I know of does that. I do hope that you take my advice for what it is– only a gesture of good will. I did n’t want to crticise, only help you in what little way I can, being a writer myself. I wish you success in your creative work if you want to conitnue…
I agree with you pandit
Such a pretentious Bitch. Writers like you are a disgrace for others. Please stop it..
Hey if you don’t want to read her stories don’t read stop talking rudely
Haasa engumekoaa lolll huttaaalaaa mihaaruves maa las vejje
Huhtaalun feney
Thi kahala writers beynumeh noon.. heevany attention seeker eh hen.. v foohi vahtharakah thi ulheny.. if u can’t write or digest other people’s comments, pls stop writing. .
Just shut up
huttaala thi kameh nuvaane lilly akah
If you r asking the readers for our opinion is it that u don’t have any confidence in ur writings?if that’s the case i think you should stop
Its obvio that you cant write a story.
Even a 10 year old can write a story like that. So better get your butt out of here. You are like a pain in butt both in esfiya site and chat.
hama hini annany… lol! mihaaru hunnaany ehcheh visnifa
Huhtaalaa…and vaahaka liyan dhaskohgen vaahaka liyaany….comment thaka reply kuranves nukerunu dhw…hahahaha haasa engun o hahahahahaha
Huh… Huhtaalaa…
Up to u
A level kiyavaa kujjeh liyefa oi vahaka mifenvarah otheema dhera vejjain. Grade 6 in fashaigen skool thakuga vahaka liyan dhaskohdhey.. mihaaruge dharin aharemrn ge bahaa medhu ihumaal vefai vaa minvaru ingigen gossi. Ehen viyas knme dhivessakee vahaka liyeveyne meeheh vs noon. Aee vs hunareh. Knme hunareh vs dhaskureveyne ekameh kuraa hithun kuran ulhuneema. Kamaka kameh kollaa usoolun vahaka eh nuliyeveyne. Nama vs enme vahaka eh liyefa ekan huttaalima, ninmaa ibrahim vs miadhu, binmaa ibraahimaka nuvis.
Please huhtaa nulaathi…
Its up to u
Lily vaahaka kuri ah gendhanvy..eyrun improve vaany ves..ehves mhhakah enme furathama rukehge bonthi aku nuhifeyne so. Please…
Lily girl rply nukuraanan tha?ma vex beynun suvaaleh ge javaabu…bt haahsa ehgumeh jahaafa naahan vegen hahthahaa ves.So my question is lilly ryn ge name ga comment kurin tha?jst tell the truth lilly…hehehe btw lilly ge stry eh ma nuvex kuyan…huhtaalumaa nulumaa e e lily ge ai mathy oi kameh…ehbai kudhin beynun vey huhtaanulan…so rangalhu vaany huhtaa nulihyaa eyrun kiyan beynun myhun kiyaafa kiyan beynun nuvaa myhun nukiya faaaan..
Lilly did not Ok did you get the answer now
Wat r all these….she just asked u guys to answer her qstn…thihaa rude vaakah nuvaane…she is also a human like u all…thithanuga adhi vx vaahaka liyann neygey kithah myhunm thibeyne…ekann eh vx myhakah igey tha…A level kiyavaafa huri myhakah stry liyann neyguny ma eh nooneh mahsala aky…mahsala aky thimaa ge amihla fennvaru neygi hure ehnn myhunn ge aibu dhahkann ulhunn…NO ONE IS PERFECT…ekann change eh nukureveyne world up side down ah jehiyas…so shut ur mouths…lily ge vaahaka thah kiyann kamu nudhanyaa nukyma v nu…y butt on others business wen u dont even have the right to…amihla ah visnaalabaa thigothah negtv comment kuraairu lily ge magaam ga thimaa huri nama vaane dhera…she also has a heart…ekann ihsaas kurevey myhaku thihaa rude eh nuvaane…n lily kairy ryn ge name heynunn kohgenn conment kurinn hey ehumu ge beynumaky kobaa…kiyunn therinn ge hithuva lily ge stries ah oii magaam fadu kohlunn tha..wat do u get from doing that…savaab libeny tha…enmenn kairy ahann v nu ryn ge name use kurinn hey…aanmu koh ehnn myhunnah vagah govaany aslu vahkann kuri myhaa…n u lily…just dont be sad abt those fake comments…they just jealous.., ,,
Just keep going girl…we r behind u…so just dont hide n show that u have confidence in wat u do…all the best
U guys donno wat she is. She used to come to chatroom amd everyone in thwre knws her truth. And tnay truth is real dirty. She dosnt even deserve to be lqbeled as a writer. I still remembr ur cmnts. for every commentr there is an adress or some ckde by that we can knw who it is
N it was u. Myhunge mamma aa behayny kihaavareh vyma
…Dhen saabas thikudhin nah.thy araarun vaavaru kamehtha,lily vaahaka up kurey.adhi e kudhin ves duvas kolhakun ragalhu vaane.
Do not talk rudely to Lilly she is not rude she is so kind Lilly don’t stop writing I love your stories the one who doesn’t like your stories are just so rude Pls don’t stop writing Lilly
Beynun Beynun Beynun huhtaa nulaathi