އަނދިރިވި ހަޔާތް
ރާގު :ޚުޝީ ކީޕަލް ޑޫޑޫ
ރޮނީ މޭހިތް ޚިޔާލެއްގާ ލޯބިވޭހެ
ހަަދަން ގާ އެކީ ގާ
ޖާނޭ ތެޅެނީ މިވޭންގައި އިނގޭހޭ
ހިތް މެވީ އޭ
ވެނީ ރޯލުމެއްގާ
އޮއްސިއްޖެ އިރްމެ
އެކު ގާ ހަނދާ
އަދު ނެތޭ އުފަލާ
ޖެހޭ ވޭނީ ވަޔާ
އެކީދޭ މިޖިސްމާ
މިނޫނެތްމެ ހާލް އާ
އެދޭނީ އެ ރައްބު ވާން އެހީ
އެދެމޭ ލޯތްބާ އުފާ
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Here is a new song.???hope u all like it. ??I really appreciate those who have commented on my previous songs.??? Due to there support and motivation i wrote this song.???so this song is from me to all my fans supporters and friends love u all.?? Stay safe bye
wow looking forward for more songs
Thanks for the lovely comment.?? Yess??? Insha Allah there will be more songs ?? stay safe bye