ނޯޓް: މިވާހަކަ ޑިސެމްބަރު މަހުގެ މެދުތެރޭގައި ކިޔުންތެރިންނާ ހަމައަށް ގެނެސްދޭން މިދަނީ މަސައްކަތް ކުރަމުންނެވެ. އިރާދަކުރެއްވިއްޔާ ޑިސެމްބަރު 20 ހިސާބުގައި ޝާޢިއު ކުރެވެން ފެށޭނެއެވެ. (އިން ޝާ ﷲ). ކިޔުންތެރިން މިވާހަކައަށް އިންތިޒާރު ކުރާނެކަމަށް އުންމީދުކުރަމެވެ.
ވާހަކައާއި ބެހޭ ކުރު ތަޢާރަފެއް ކޮމެންޓް ސެކްޝަންގައި ވާނެއެވެ. މުތާގެ އެހެނިހެން ވާހަކަތަކެކޭ އެއްފަދައިން މިވާހަކައަށް ވެސް ކިޔުންތެރިންގެ ތަރުހީބު ލިބޭނެކަމަށް އުންމީދުކުރަމެވެ.
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This novel will mainly focus on the key elements of how people abuse their high social status, political, and financial powers to leech on the less fortunate. It will also portrait the brutal reality of power hungry tycoons going against each other while crushing those beneath them in a final showdown to administer power by all means necessary.
It will also highlight domestic abuse, child abuse and how these events effect the victims psychologically. Moreover, it will also focus on the painful journey of the victim’s facing societies stigmas, while fighting their inner demons and pain.
Power, corruption, betrayal, rivalry, extreme violence, murder, complex characters are all major themes of the novel.
Indhiraaz ge maana aky kobber kan buneladheeba…dhuvahaku vx adu naaha baheh
Indhiraas ge maana aky kobber kan buneladheeba…dhuvahaku vx adu naaha baheh
ނެތިދާދިއުން. 1
2 ވީރާނާ.
3 ބައުވެގެންވާ ހަލާކު.
Muthaaa.. mihaaruves varah inthizaaru kurevijje mutha ge habareh vaane dhuvahakah.. aslu mutha ge story’s hama habeys.. adhi gavaidhun vaahaka up kuraa kujjeh mutha thee.. best writer.. good luck ur next story’s.. thank you????
Seems v interesting.. curiously waiting for the story. ???
Best of luck ?
Dhivehi vaahaka eh viyya ta aaraf ves dhivehi liyebala english article eh liyegen neygeyne vaanuva eh
Muthaage ehen vaahaka thakekey eh gothah reethi vaane hen heevanee hama. Inthizaaruge vaguthu thah feshee mi ? All the best Muthaa ??
reethi vaanehen heevey. thee hama asluves varah bodethi massalathah. mi vaahakain mi massalathakah huri halluthakaky kobaikan ves genesdhinun edhen.