ހައިރާގެ މަރުން އެންމެންނަށް ސިހުން ގެނުވިއެވެ.ރާއްޖޭގެ އެންމެ ބޮޑު ފެޝަން ކުންފުނި، ‘ފެއީރިޔާ’ ގެ ސީއީއޯ ހައިރާ އަމިއްލަޔަށް މަރުވީބާއެވެ؟ނޫނީ އެއީ އެހެން މީހެއްގެ ލާއިންސާނީ އަމަލެއްބާއެވެ؟
ޒަކްޔަންއަށް ހައިރާގެ މަރުގެ ހަގީގަތް ހޯދުމަށް ތަފާތު ގޮންޖެހުން ތަކެއް ކުރިމަތިވެއެވެ. އެއްކޮޅުން ހައިލިޔާއެވެ. އަނެއްކޮޅުން ހަގީގަތެވެ. މި ތަހުގީގުގައި ޒަކްޔަންއަށް ހާމަވެގެން ދަނީ އާދަޔާޚިލާފު ތަފާތު ހަގީގަތްތަކެކެވެ. ޒަކްޔަންއަށް ހައިލިޔާއާ ދިމާއަށް އިނގިލި ދިއްކުރެވިދާނެ ހެއްޔެވެ ؟
އިންތިޒާރު ކޮށްލައްވާ!!
Comments are closed.
Yey me first
رمضان مبارك everyone. I have missed you guys. This story is for Ramadan. In sha allah m gonna upload it soon.
Love you loads ??
Jazakallahu khairan imagination ??
Hey your are back
Waiting for your story
Helloo.. In sha allah will not disappoint you ?
Heyy seyma . V salhi feshumeh miyy igey . Seyma yaa gulheny vex mi kahala thafaathu stry thah.kuriy stry thakey eh fadhainn mi stry vex kiyaa nan.keep it up seyma.kon dhuvahakun fashaniy stry.hope avahah fashaane kamah.
Heyy. Thanks ingey. Yess mee ves thafaathu genre eh. In sha allah soon love ♥
Wow!!! Vrh reethi vaanehen heevey.. Mikahala stories varah kamudhey.. Investigation!!!!!!!!?❤️?☺️?☺️????????????? hope you’d upload the story soon… ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️????????❤️❤️❤️????❤️?❤️???❤️???❤️??❤️?????
Haloooo. .. In sha allah, I’ll try to meet up to ur expectations dear ?
Oh u r back.. v hapy vejje.. but does the main charactr die i mean haira or is someone else the main charactr… anyways waitin fr this story n Best of luck???
Heyy.. Happy to see ur comment love, its a story about a murder and ekan investigate kuraa police and hairaa ge life. Thanks ❤️
Khaira I love the name ? hope vaahaka reethi vaane kamah
Yeyy.. Glad u loved it. Not gonna disappoint you dear ♥️
Omg imagination is back eagrly waiting for this stry trailer is awsome hope ahava genes dheyne kamah
Heloo ree, yess maybe tonight? ??
Good luck
i think this story gonna be fine……waiting for next part….
Imagination buddy v avahah up kuran fashahchey cnt wait dhn vrne goi bln ??????