އަހަންނަށް ލޯތްބަކީ ކޯއްޗެއްކަން ދަސްކޮއްދިނީ އަލާންއެވެ.
ލޯބީގެ ފޮނި ހުވަފެންތައް އަހަރެންނަށް ދެއްކީވެސް ހަމަ އަލާންއެވެ.
ނަަަމަވެސް ތަޤުދީރު އަހަރެމެންގެ އެ ލޮއެއްބަކަށް ފުރުސަތެއްނުދިނެވެ.
ހުވަފެންތަށް ވިއްސިވިހާލިވެ ދިޔައީ ދެމީހުންގެ ހިތް ރޮއްވަމުންނެވެ.
ވަރަށް އަވަހައް ކިޔުންތެރިންނާ ހަަމައަށް ގެނެސްދެނީ ދިވެހި ވާހަކަ “ލޯބިވޭ”
“ކިޔުންތެރިންގެ ފާޑުކިޔުމަކީ އަޅުގަނޑަށް ލިބޭ ކުރިއެރުން”
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v reethi aane hen hyvanee….. waiting for the story…… v avahah up koh dhehche….
yah in sha Allah. thnkx 🙂
Hope it ll be nice..all the besT
yah in sha allah. thnkx 🙂
Waiting waiting..hope it ll b very nice 😉
All the best pretty.
Omg. pretty?? kuhjeh mathin miss v name fenunyma.. cmmmnt vx kury pretty e name liyelaa hithun 😛 hehehe anyways vrh salhi vaane hn hyvey. .hehe gud lck… 😉 😉
I knw whos that. Hahahaaaaaaaaa ?
kokky haadha varugadha hinigandeh?? i can hear it in a gothikk sound…. 😉
ryn varah special kujjeh mathin dhw ;-). btw thnkx :-*
I hope this will b a nice story.
V avahah up kurachchey… I’m waiting.., Nd best of luck..
yah in sha allah
I thnk it vl b very nice story. ☺ m waiting . All the best
ya thnkx 🙂
Title ah balaafa varah heevee vaahaka reethi vaanehen.. Eagerly waiting for the story…
r u my pretty??? hehe…. dat name ix very very special 4 me…. m sorry bt i cant call u pretty…:) but i will surely read this story…. anyways best of luck dear…. 🙂
cant wait 😉 avahah up kodhecchey ingey Pretty 😀 best of luck dear ??
what?? kn pretty eh kiyaakah mithaanga. personal vaahaka dhahkaane kameh nei knme meeheh viyas. bodu kameh huvaa. huh
Where is the story???
Kniraku up vaniii