ކައިލަން ހުރީ ލޯ ކުރިމަތިން ފެންނަމުން އެދާ މަންޒަރު ގަބޫލުކުރަން ދަތިވެފައެވެ. އޭނަގެ ލީން އަކީ ކޮބައިކަން ފާހަގައެއް ނުކުރެވެނެވެ. ބިންމަތީ ލެއިން ތަތްތެޅިފައި އެއޮތީ ވެސް ލީން އެވެ. ވޭނީ ގޮތަކައް އެއޮތްގެން ތެޅި ފޮޅެނީއެވެ. އެތާ ކައިރީ ގައިގައި ލޭ އުނގުޅިފައި ރުޅިއަރައި ރަތް ވެފައިވެސް އެހެރީ ލީން އެކެވެ. އޭނަގެ ލީން ކޮބާހެއްޔެވެ!އެހެން ނޫނީ އިތުރަށް ލީންގެ ސިފައިގައި އެހެރީ ކާކު ހެއްޔެވެ!
އިންތިޒާރު ކޮށްލައްވާ!!!!!!!!!
ވާހަކަ އެއްކޮށް ލިޔެނިމުނު ހާ އަވަހަކަށް މި ވާހަކަ އަޕްލޯޑް ކޮއްދޭނަން…… އުންމީދު ކުރަން މިވާހަކަ ކަމުދާނެކަމަށް……………
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Hey guys here is my new story ge trailer. As soon as i finish writing i will start uploading this story. Hope you guys will like it.
Waiting.. hope it ll b nice 🙂
Thanks. In sha allah it will be nice
hey luv queen aslu vx luv queen haadha gadha ey 😛 heevey mi story vx vrh ineteresting vaane hen 😉 all da bst 😀
Hehe ehntha shaby. 😉 In sha allah intresting vaane. Thanks.
woww mimmy… vrh salhi ingey… vrh intrstin.. n wnt ryd it asap.. 😛 gd lck.. miss u 😉
Hehe thanks ninny. As soon as i finish this story completely i will start uploading inge. In sha allah intesting vaane. Thnks n miss u too.????❤
Alhe haadha reethi vaanehen heeveyey! Thanks queen
Thanks nishy. In sha allah reethi vaane.
wow …waitin/…….waitin
Thanks ravu.
Heevey varah thafaathu vaahaka eh hen. Varah Reeth. Kiyaa hiy vejje maa bodah ves.
Hehe ehntha abhy. As soon as i finish writing up kohdheynan inge.. Thanks 😉
Biruveri aahaka eh dhw. Kiyaahiyvejji.. avahah upkuracchey ingae
Hmm naax horror story eh. Queen gasdhu kurany vaahaka liya ninmaafa up kuran fashan. and thnks. 😉
Sorry.. vaahakaeh
Gud luck. 🙂
thanks 🙂
Wow… Can’t wait to read this story.. Luv to read this kind of stories n hope u’ll upload it daily… Wish u oll da best…. Waitin…waitinnnnn…
Yes i will try my best to upload it daily. 🙂 and i will start uploading when i finish writing the whole story. 🙂 thanks for commenting.
wow v interesting .. heevey v reethi vaanehen .. eagerly waiting .. missed u luv n love u .. bye
Hehe let’s see intresting tho. In sha allah it will be. thanks. and missed u too mish luv u.
Omg.. Biruveri dhw queen….. ? gaai gandakah kihaa dhuvaheh vaany.. Kiyaa hithun.. ?
Hehe shuha neynge egothah bunaa kah story ehkoh liye nimunu irakun up koh dheynan inge. Thanks..????
ހުމްމްމްމް ވެއިޓިންގަ ގުޑްލަކް 🙂
Thanks ??
biru veri vaahaka eh dhw. … v happy. 🙂 hyvany v reethi vaanehn…. kiyaalaa hiyy vany hama…. waiting up vaane dhuvaha kah… hehehe thanks queen… biruveri vaahakaeh genes dhn ulhey thy….. samma emme kiyaa hiyy vany biruveri vaahaka. hehe
Hehe.??.. In sha allah reethi vaane.. Hehe but u will have to wait bcz vaahaka ehkoh liye ninmaa fa up kuran gasdhu kurany. ☺. Hehe ehentha sama even i like horror stories.. ???… Thanks.. ?
Heevey salhi vrne hen.
Upload soon..
in sha allah. thanks.
Waiting v salhi vaane hen hyvey trailor in.g
thnk u ina. in sha allah intresting vaane
V reyti
thank you munni. 😉
Wow kailaan
My fav name