މައިންގެ ހިތްވަރު
ތިކުރާ މަސަތް ކަތްތައްމަށަށް އިނގިލިން ގުނައި ލެވިދާނެތޯ
ޒިކުރާ އަދާ ކުރުމަށްޓަކައި ބައިތެއް ނިކަން ފުދިދާނެތޯ
ފަށައޭ ކަހަން އިރުނާރަނީސް ކުނިތައްއެވާ މަގުތަކުމަތި
ވަށައޭ ކަހާ ނިންމާލަނީ ގޭދަށް އެކީ ހީވާގިތޯ
ލަސްކޮށްލުމެއް ނެތިފަށްޓަނީ ރޮށި ފިހުމަށޭ ހެނދުމުގެ ސަޔަށް
އަސްތާއެރިހަ ކައްކާލައޭ ވާމީރުކަން ސިފަވާނެތޯ
ތަށިމަތި ނަގަން ހުއްޓާ އަވަސް ރޯއަޑުއިވޭ ދުވަމުން ދިޔައި
އަހަރެން ނަގާ މަސަލަސްކުރީ ކުޅަދާނަކަން ބުނެވޭނެތޯ
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Nice ? ? ur a great lhenveriyeh ??
Thanks ?? stay safe
Nice? really meaningful ?
Thanks ?? stay safe ???
Ooh . Thanks. But i myself dont believe im that great. Its just been half an year since ive started to make poems.but i always had an interest in making songs and poems. Anyways thanks for ur comment
Here is my new poem .from me to my hard working mother.
Wow..i am speechless.. I have been reading your poems.. You have a great art of mind.. Your ideas are extremely creative.. I love it.. Keep it up.. Hope to see more from you.. All the best.. Stay safe… Love you ??
Thanks for your lovely comment.?? and Im really happy that you liked my poem.?and thanks for commenting.??? Your comments inspire me to write more.??? Stay safe love u
Insha Allah ill write more songs and poems. ?????Love u all readers and commenters.???