mihithuge fasaana
i am extremely v sorry for not being in touch with my lovely readers. ..due to some personal problems i was unable to write my story…hope those who read this story is still waiting for it…once again m really v v v sorry…the story will continue soon…hope thr r still readers who r waiting for de story…
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we are waiting…. kaya mathin vrh miss vi….
awwn..chum chum i am glad dat u r waiting…n miss u too??
aslu ingey sorry ey bunyas eythi accept nukuraane readers ves ulheynekan..ekamves bunelan beynunvanee alhugandu mivaahaka fettee eikoh ninmanshey so insha allah this time i ll finish it…but cant tell u exact date dat m gng to upload it…but b4 de end of this month i ll start upoload it..hope u guys will support as u did b4…thank you all…n m v sorry ?
n for those who havnt read it or hav forgotten i recommend u to read it again or atleast few parts so dat u ll get fresh memories abt it but if u guys want…thank u?
Accept ** ?
Waiting, waiting
thank u xu?
Nice stoty…continue sooon keep it up
thank u rose…insha allah i will?
thank u naju?
Kayaa im a big fan of yours.. And hope u will start uploading asap.. I was waiting and waiting… At last.. ? auf menge wedding night vv rom koh gendhaane kamah hykuran.. ? luv u kayaa
hehhee…happy to c such a lovely comment..? arrn dn mihaaruves miulheny thikamuga…eki eki concept mind ah annaathyve lil bit confuse…cux i dnt wanna rpt a wedding nyt which someone already hav written otherwise everyone will blame me as a copy cat…hehe..so lets c dn dhw?
last part ga comments kohfa huri kudhinge kibainves maafah edhen reply nukurevuneema…?but i jus hope u all guys will c this …..
Liyuntherinthah fennan fashaifi….. ???????dhen ves nugellehche… ????????
thank u kingu? insha allah dn nugelleyne?
mihaaru handhaaneh neh mi vaahakaigaii vaaa goiyvxxx…. mii vaahaka upnukoh ehaa gina dhuvas v ma gina kiyuntherin huree mi vaahaka mathin foohivefa…. so dhen vaahaka up nukuriyas we dont care anymore…
totally understand u boring…n i dnt hav any hard feelings for anyone…thank u for de comment n insha allah i ll try not to disappoint de readers anymore?
Yes!!Finally..Can’t wait..Pls daily koh up kohdhehchey..V rythi stry eh mii..
thank u cherry…insha allah … i will try ?
finally we will be able to read this story…… waiting…
thank u anonymous ?
Varah inthizaaru eba kurevey..Kon iraku up koh dheyny..V loabi stry ehh mii..Can’t wait for prt 31!
thank u…soon i ll upload..
Thihaa ginadhuvas kohfa story continue kuraairu kureebaiga veegoy handhaanves neh
sorry ina..n thank u for de comment ☺ dn faharakun mihen nuvaane
Kon iraku up koh dheyny..Can’t wait to read prt 31 of this stwry.. Nd daily koh up koh dhehchey plzz..
insha allah….?
Alheyy.. Fashaigen up nukohdheveynetha??? Plz.. Eyrun i think ehn readers ah vx easy vaane ehnu..Plx.. Mee alhugandu ge v baivaru frnds ge rqst eh mihen comment kurun.. Plx plx fashaigen genes dhehchey..
hei maahi…thanks for de comment but u can read de whole story up to nw by clicking my name thr…so y dnt u n ur friends read it…mihen mibuny mihaaruves innaane 30 parts up kohfa so again up kuranyaa may b some readers like nuvedhaane plus i dnt hav dat file in my pc too..so esfiya site in kiyaalanveenu…sorry ingey? hope u ll understand